Thursday, January 29, 2009

Will Advise for Krispy Kreme

Help! I love Advice Girl's advice, but with my busy life and with so much stuff on the internet, I often forget to check Advice Girl and miss her best advice when it's still red hot. Is there a way I can be notified as soon as Advice Girl dishes out some of her insight? Can Advice Girl give me a call when she answers a new question? Or come to my door? With doughnuts?

Dear Adviceless,

All right all right, it’s been a while since Advice Girl has done this (she tends to have Advice Guy manage these sorts of things), but here goes.

First thing you'll want to do is go to It'll ask you to login, so if you don't have a google account, you'll want to create one now. (Trust Advice Girl, it's quick and painless, and no, you don't have to switch to gmail to use it.)

Now, Advice Girl, you might ask, if I'm going to go to this site every day to check whether you've updated, why don't I just go to your site? Ah, Advice Girl would explain, this is the brilliant part - you can rig this up for many other sites, allowing you to monitor your favorite blogs, Washington Post articles, comic strips, and more.

Just look for the handy orange icon on any web page, click on it, and copy-and-paste the address of the new window that pops up into the "add a subscription" field on Google Reader. This will cause Advice Girl to get her own handy link under the "Subscriptions" heading on the left side of the page. And when(ever) she has a new post, it'll get all boldy.

How was that? Too much too soon? Advice girl promises it's quite easy and a great way to corral all your regular reads into one place. Not to mention stay up on Advice Girl's annual blog updates.


  1. Advice Girl's knowledge and experience is astounding...and makes me a little weak in the knees.

    Can Advice Girl answer this: what is a pensulet? I mean, besides my word verification. Is it something I should worry about?

  2. Hm...Advice Girl suspects your word verification is trying to gently prod along the English language and expects that this term will eventually be used as "I don't know if I can get the time off for that, but I'll pensulet in" and such.

    That, or it may be something you should see your doctor for.
